首页>产品中心>burkert>宝德电磁阀5281>宝德型号5282 burkert00134458

宝德型号5282 burkert00134458


宝德型号5282 burkert00134458 Kv值: 4.0至40.0立方米/小时 连接接口: G、NPT、Rc1/2至2 1/2、法兰(DIN)DN25至DN50 阀体材质: 黄铜 密封材质: NBR、EPDM、FPM 介质温度: NBR:0至 80℃ 压力范围: 0.5至10bar 供电电源: 24V、230V 德国宝德5282系列防爆电磁阀 负载周期: *连续工

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宝德型号5282 burkert00134458

宝德型号5282 burkert00134458型先导控制常闭电磁阀带伺服膜,与介质隔离,适用于各种液体和气体介质。标准供货中3通先导阀带手动开关,其打开和关闭时间连续可调。两位两通电磁阀,带伺服膜。13.0至65.0毫米 Kv值: 4.0至40.0立方米/小时 连接接口: G、NPT、Rc1/2至2 1/2、法兰(DIN)DN25至DN50 阀体材质: 黄铜 密封材质: NBR、EPDM、FPM 介质温度: NBR:0至 80℃ 压力范围: 0.5至10bar 供电电源: 24V、230V 德国宝德5282系列防爆电磁阀 负载周期: *连续工,具体图片如下:

宝德型号5282 burkert00134458The 5282 valve is a servo-assisted diaphragm valve. A minimum differential pressure is required for the valve to function. Various diaphragm material combinations and methods of operation are available depending on the application. The standard brass housing satisfies all European drinking water requirements. The housing offering is completed with stainless steel and grey cast iron versions. The 3/2-way pilot valve can be easily converted from NC to NO functioning principle by rotating it on the armature. The solenoid coils are moulded with a chemically resistant epoxy. The 5282 is equipped with manual override for commissioning and testing. In combination with a plug in accordance with DIN EN 175301-803 Form A and stainless steel housing the valves satisfy protection class NEMA 4X.。具体参数如下:

The depiction of the products may differ from the actual specific design.

  • Produkt-Foto Typ 5282
  • Produkt-Foto Typ 5282
  • Ersatzteil-Zeichnung Bürkert
  • Servo-assisted diaphragm valve with diameter of up to DN 65
  • Separating diaphragm for aggressive and contaminated media
  • Closing and opening times can be individually adjusted
  • Explosion proof version (Cat.2)
  • Service-friendly manual override




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